Success Story: Marcie + Avy

Success Story: Marcie + Avy

How did you meet Millie?

I believe we met back in 2014 through a mutual friend who knew we were looking for a great Realtor. 

We had listed our home in Glencoe with another broker and ended up very unhappy with that person and how they handled our listing, so our friend brought Millie up in conversation. When we first hired Millie I was skeptical because she primarily works in the city, but guess what? She brought in a buyer! She leaves no stone left unturned. 

Did you buy and/or sell with Millie?

All of the above. Millie successfully sold our home in Glencoe, and then helped us buy a condo downtown. Soon after she helped us sell that condo and buy a different condo in the same building. Then most recently she helped us sell that home, and we moved out of state! 

Did you use any of Millie’s recommended vendors? 

This is one of the ways that Millie goes above and beyond. She truly knows an expert in every single trade down to stain removal, and the tradespeople that she recommends are the best – of the highest integrity and excellent at what they do. On top of that, she will meet them and look over the work to make sure it is up to her standards. This was very important for us because we were often out of town for the process. 

I call Millie’s recommended home organizer, my “Everything Girl!” She has helped me with three moves and I could not have done them without Erin. 

What is the best part of working together? 

So many things. First, Millie is a unique Realtor in that she can work her magic in any market. She knows every bit of information there is to know about the Chicago market. She takes the time to read the marketplace and advises correctly as to when to lower your price or when to list your home – she really knows her trade. And, she will take the time to review whatever marketing detail or comparable property you would like to discuss. 

She is determined to sell, but she is always respectful and becomes your friend – she is a delightful person and is always positive. Lastly, she networks with other Realtors to find every bit of information that is available, finding data that no one else could. 

What would you say to a friend about Millie?  

If you really are determined to buy or sell, work with Millie. We were away for a lot of our sales, and she was able to break down the process into manageable steps. And even if you are away, you never have to wonder where you are in the process. She provides constant feedback – the minute she hears back she is going to contact you. 

If you are a seller, she will find you your buyer through her relentless work. And if you are buying with Millie, she learns your personal tastes so she doesn’t waste your time showing your homes she knows won’t work. She is all in 100% of the time.

Work with Millie Rosenbloom

Our intentions are equipped with actions, which is why I lead the market with higher sale-to-list prices and faster market times.

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